Saturday, March 14, 2009

Private Label Dinner of Delicacy

用心製作的私房菜 - 值得欣賞
Dinner date: March 13, 2009
Cost: HK$350 (US$45) per person, no info on tipping (as it was a treat)

Restaurant name: Gong Guan 公館
Restaurant address: 12/F, 279 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
Restaurant telephone: 852 – 2577 9789
Anna's comment: My colleague had a promotion recently. For celebration, he took us to a private label dinner. I must say that these dishes are very finely done, look good and taste good. It is kind of a new style of eating in Hong Kong. The menu is not publicly available and are mainly the private receipe of the restaurant owner. Thanks to my colleague who brought me this new dining experience in Hong Kong.

Starters: 六小碟
Egg Plant with minced meat / Maifu / Ox Tongue
Cucumber / Tofu / Vegetable
My Favourite Ox Tongue 我的至愛 - 牛脷 Tofu with toppings of minced meat and vegetables
Fish Soup - 魚 羹
Abalone with Dry Scallop on top and turnip and soup - very well done !
瑤柱鮑魚 (好手功)
Chicken cooked with Zhenjiang Vinegar - very unique taste !
Assorted Mushrooms
Croaker Cubes with Fried Garlic - very yummy !
我的至愛 - 大黄魚
Stewed Pork - very wonderful ! 我的至愛 - 紅燒肉
Stir Fried Vegetable 杞子蒜子炒豆苗 (有心思)
Jelly Noodle 粉皮
Dessert 酒釀丸子
公館私房菜, 菜式用料都很家常, 但看得出廚師的心思和手藝, 用心去把尋常的食材做出獨運匠心的口味, 值得一讚. 但我問過服務員, 菜單不是自選的, 廚師要你吃什麼, 你便吃什麼, 一般是六小碟, 兩熱葷, 五主菜, 再加湯和甜品. 而且菜單大約每季才轉換一次.
Hong Chinese Food - Private Label Dinner


Anonymous said...

I am very interested how these foods would taste!

dumplingdesignz said...

Love your blog! Awesome photos. I'll try and visit some of the restaurants that you recommend. Would also love to see more Cantonese recipes on your blog. I have a couple from Lin Heung Tea House if you're interested